The Drive, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3PS
Phone: 0208 518 2562
We want our children to become confident and articulate communicators by enriching their mathematical vocabulary. We aim to enrich our pupils learning with a deep and confident understanding in fluency and reasoning. We aspire for our children to appreciate the power of mathematics and build a life-long passion for maths by exploring their curiosity through memorable learning experiences. As the children progress we aim to build confidence, widen their horizons and attain a positive growth mind set. Through our enterprise scheme we will provide children with an opportunity to develop their global identity through working with the local community. We want them to know that mathematics is essential to
succeed in life and necessary for financial responsibilities and most forms of employment
We at Cranbrook Primary School aim to provide a rich mathematics pedagogy which teaches children how to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate fluently, reason mathematically and solve problems. It enables children to understand relationships and patterns in both number and space in their everyday lives.
Our calculation policy encourages the use of CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) methods. This means that children are always given opportunities to understand a concept by using concrete manipulatives such as Numicon, counters or multilink cubes, to fully investigate the concept and develop a thorough understanding of place value at the same time as being able to investigate it pictorially and abstractly. By representing the concept pictorially the children will draw images of apparatus to visualise the calculation and embed the image and then will consolidate their knowledge of concrete and pictorial maths in the abstract stage using mathematical symbols.
Our maths lesson enable our children to develop fluency, mathematics reasoning and problem solving in high quality activities using strategies such as guided maths and APE it (Answer it, prove it and explain it)!
Intent & Policy
Maths at Cranbrook